Dogs are adorable, and that’s one of the reasons why we keep them. You have been planning to bring a dog home. Time has come to actualize your plans. You are now ready to be a dog owner.
Bringing a new dog home is not something to take lightly. You need to lay down proper plans. Sadly, many people tend to ignore this fact and go ahead to bring a dog. Failing to plan is planning to fail.
Remember that a dog is not like an electronic gadget that you can control whenever you want. She can do crazy things, especially when introduced into a new environment. You should also ensure that the dog enjoys a smooth transition.
Pet So Fun provides a very detailed and useful article about what you need to know to take care of a 6-week-old dog (the age at which most people bring their puppy into the house)
Regardless of the breed that you are bringing home, early preparation is the key. There are also several necessary steps that you should take when welcoming a pooch into a new home. Here is a guide on how to bring a new dog home.
1. Before You Bring the Dog Home

Here are some of the basic but essential things that you should do before you bring the new dog home:
Tip 1: Buy all the necessary supplies
Buy the required supplies as early as possible. Try to avoid the last-minute rush as you may end up getting confused. Some of the supplies that you should get include food, bowls, bed, crate, the best retractable dog gate, anti-bark device, and the cleaning tools.
These supplies will make your life easier, especially when it comes to managing the pet.
Tip 2: Dog-proof the house
Since your dog will be staying in your home, try to change your living environment. In other words, make your house dog-proof (1). This measure involves putting valuable and hazardous items from the dog’s reach.
Tip 3: Plan the organization of the house
Create special places for the dog in your home. Some of the steps to consider as deciding where to put the dog’s retractable crate, bowls, and even bed. Decide on the storage space for the dog’s feed. Choose an exclusive area to avoid any future cases of food poisoning.
2. The First Day
There is the actual day that you are will be bringing the dog home. Whatever you do on this day will affect the dog’s behavior. Your actions will also have an impact on your relationship with the canine.
Here are some of the critical things that you should look at on the first day:

3. Interaction with Other Animals
#1. Interaction with other dogs
If you have resident dogs, ensure that their first interaction happens outside. There should be no food nearby. Stay there and watch as they interact. Don’t make a mistake of leaving them alone.
#2. Interaction with cats
If you have cats, ensure that they are well secured in crates and hold the leash firmly. Watch their initial interaction and see how either the cat or dog reacts. Everything should be under your control.
4. Create the Daily Routines

The most effective way of training your new dog and helping her to settle faster in a new environment is by establishing daily routines. Here are some of the things that the routine should highlight.
It is essential that you check with your veterinary officer for advice on the quantity and type of foods that you should give the dog. In most cases, the amount varies with size breed, age, and health status of the dog.
Your dog should get all the essential nutrients (2). Ensure that the pooch’s dish meets the safety measures and is clean.
Ensure that the dog’s sleeping room has a crate and a bed. This room should be clean warm and dog-proof. Don’t keep the dog in secluded areas such as a garage. It will be badly affected by the loneliness especially when we consider that you bought it just a few days ago.
Dog Walks
During the first days, do not subject your dogs to long and tedious walks. Keep them short. A 5 or 10-minute walk is enough. Minimize the interactions between the dog and other people or even animals during the walks.
Research (3) revealed that walking a dog that is new to the environment will help her to release tension and anxiety. In addition, essential oils also work well for anxiety in dogs.
5. Build a Relationship with the Dog

After your need dog has shown signs of settling, the next step is to establish a strong with her. A cordial relationship will make the pooch to relax and be less anxious.
The first step that you should take is to earn the dog’s trust. She should see you as the friendliest and reliable person. One way of winning her trust is by staying calm.
Don’t show signs of being excited when interacting with the dog. Also, strive to go down to their level when you are with them. Approach the dog from the side instead of from the front. Do this to avoid direct eye contact.
Another useful method of winning a new dog’s trust is by feeding them using your hands. Kneel to the dog’s level and allow her to eat food directly from your hands.
Dog training is also a powerful way that you can use to build a strong relationship with your dog. It can also help the dog to settle quickly and become part of the family. You don’t have to be an expert to train your dog.
Introduce your canine to simple obedience commands. It will be able to master different controls over time. Keep the training sessions brief. Extended sessions can overwhelm the hound and make her feel insecure.
While trying to establish a relationship with your new dog, exercise some levels of patience. Do not be in a hurry to expect the results. Instead, give the dog time to learn and adjust.
Try to learn the dog’s behavior (4) and personality before you introduce any training. If the dog is antisocial, do the training in a secluded area.
6. Promote a Sense of Security
New dogs tend to have many insecurities. Meeting new people, other dogs, and even the new environment can make the canine freak out. Some signs of an insecure and stressed up pooch (5) include aggression, barking, separation anxiety and being destructive.
An insecure dog will develop a cold relationship with the owner. It will use all the means to avoid you. Some of the measures that you can take to help the dog feel secure include:
Even after your dog is fully settled, do not assume that everything is okay. Be extra vigilant when the pooch is outdoors. Don’t let him off the leash.
Manage her environment and get rid of all forms of hazards. Try to prevent all kinds of inappropriate behaviors during the early days.
Even while applying the above tips, don’t be in a rush to make your dog settled. With time the dog will fully adjust to the new home and get used to the regular routines.